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Chung Yuan Christian University


Journal Publications
MH Chen, CH Lee, HK Liang, SC Huang, JP Li, CA J Lin, JK Chen, Integrating the microneedles with carboplatin to facilitate the therapeutic effect of radiotherapy for skin cancer, Biomaterials Advances, 2022, 141, 213113.
TM Chiu, PC Hsu, MY Khan, CA J Lin, CH Lee, TC Hsu, MH Chen*, N Hanagata, Perspective on imiquimod microneedles for treating warts, Pharmaceutics, 2021, 13, 607.
TY Peng, MS Chen, YY Chen, YJ Chen, CY Chen, A Fang, BJ Shao, MH Chen*, CK Lin, Impact of Zn-doped Bi2O3 radiopacifier by spray pyrolysis on mineral trioxide aggregate, Materials, 2021, 14: 453.
L Agrawal, T Poullikkas, S Eisenhower, C Monsanto, RK Bakku, MH Chen, RS Kalra, Viroinformatics-based analysis of SARS-CoV-2 core proteins for potential therapeutic targets, Antibodies, 2021, 10: 3.
MY Khan, MH Chen, An idea of using drug combination therapy through dissolving microneedles to treat streptozotocin-nicotinamide induced diabetic rats, Asian Journal of Pharmacovigilance, 2020, 8: 279.
MY Khan, MH Chen, Living with environmental stress, Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 2020, 10: 31-33.
JY Huang, MH Chen, FH Lin, The synthesis and characterization of PEG-SH-modified gold nanoparticles in one-pot synthesis by stenotrophomonas maltophilia, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2019, 19: 7278-7284.
MY Khan, MH Chen, A review on role of biomaterials in biomedical field, Journal of Bio-Pharma Research, 2019, 8: 2788-2793.
A Lokesh, KV Sunil, MH Chen*, T Shiga, An idea of using microneedles for the targeted drug delivery to overcome the blood brain barrier for the treatment of brain disease, Journal of Pharmacovigilance, 2018, S4: 001. (*Corresponding author)
N Hanagata, X Li, MH Chen, J Li, S Hattori, Double-stranded phosphodiester cytosine-guanine oligodeoxynucleotide complexed with calcium phosphate as a potent vaccine adjuvant for activating cellular and Th1-type humoral immunities, International Journal of Nanomedicine, 2018, 13: 43. (I.F.=4.3; Q1; Materials Science, Biomaterials)
MH Chen, YJ Jenh, SK Wu, YS Chen, N Hanagata, FH Lin, Non-invasive photodynamic therapy in brain cancer by use of Tb3+-doped LaF3 nanoparticles in combination with photosensitizer through X-ray irradiation: a proof-of-concept study, Nanoscale Research Letter, 2017, 12: 62. (I.F.=2.584; 34/145, Q1; Physics, Applied)
MH Chen, N Hanagata, T Ikoma, JY Huang, KY Li, CP Lin, FH Lin, Hafnium-doped hydroxyapatite nanoparticles with ionizing radiation for lung cancer treatment, Acta Biomaterialia, 2016, 37: 165-173. (I.F.=6.008; 2/33, Q1; Materials Science, Biomaterials)
WT Kuo, JY Huang, MH Chen, CY Chen, YJ Shyong, KC Yen, YJ Sun, CJ Ke, YH Cheng, FH Lin, Development of gelatin nanoparticles conjugated with phytohemagglutinin erythroagglutinating loaded with gemcitabine for inducing apoptosis in non-small cell lung cancer cells, Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2016, c5tb02598b. (I.F.=4.872; 4/33, Q1; Materials Science, Biomaterials)
CH Chen, FS Lin, WN Liao, SL Liang, MH Chen, YW Chen, WY Lin, MH Hsu, MY Wang, JJ Peir, FI Chou, CY Chen, SY Chen, SC Huang, MH Yang, DY Hueng, Y Hwu, CS Yang, JK Chen, Establishment of a trimodality analytical platform for tracing, imaging and quantification of gold nanoparticles in animals by radiotracer techniques, Analytical Chemistry, 2015, 87: 601-608. (I.F.=5.886; 4/75, Q1; Chemistry, Analytical)
JY Huang, MH Chen, WT Kuo, YJ Sun, FH Lin, The characterization and evaluation of cisplatin-loaded magnetite-hydroxyapatite nanoparticles (mHAp/CDDP) as dual treatment of hyperthermia and chemotherapy for lung cancer therapy, Ceramics International, 2015, 41: 2399-2410. (I.F.=2.758; 3/27, Q1; Materials Science, Ceramics)
MH Chen, T Yoshioka, T Ikoma, N Hanagata, FH Lin, J Tanaka, Photoluminescence and doping mechanisms of theranostic Eu3+/Fe3+ dual-doped hydroxyapatite nanoparticles, Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, 2014, 15: 055005. (I.F.=3.433; 54/271, Q1; Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)
MH Chen, PC Liang, KC Chang, JY Huang, YT Chang, FY Chang, JM Wong, FH Lin, Prototype of biliary drug-eluting stent with photodynamic and chemotherapy using eletrospinning, BioMedical Engineering OnLine, 2014, 13: 118. (I.F.=1.382; 52/76, Q3; Engineering, Biomedical)
KC Chang, CC Chang, YC Huang, MH Chen, FH Lin, CP Lin, Effect of tricalcium aluminate on the physicochemical properties, bioactivity, and biocompatibility of partially stabilized cements, PLoS One, 2014, 9: e106754. (I.F.=3.057; 11/63, Q1; Multidisciplinary Science)
LR Tsai, MH Chen, CT Chien, MK Chen, FS Lin, KMC Lin, YK Hwu, CS Yang, SY Lin, A single-monomer derived linear-like PEI-co-PEG for siRNA delivery and silencing, Biomaterials, 2011, 32: 3647-3653. (I.F.=8.387; 1/33, Q1; Materials Science, Biomaterials)
MH Chen, CH Chang, YJ Chang, LC Chen, CY Yu, YH Wu, WC Lee, CH Yeh, FH Lin, TW Lee, CS Yang and G Ting, MicroSPECT/CT imaging and pharmacokinetics of 188Re-(DXR)-liposome in human colorectal adenocarcinoma-bearing mice, Anticancer Research, 2010, 30(1): 65-72. (I.F.=1.895; 159/213, Q3; Oncology)
YJ Chang, CH Chang, CY Yu, TJ Chang, LC Chen, MH Chen, TW Lee and G Ting, Therapeutic efficacy and microSPECT/CT imaging of 188Re-DXR-liposome in a C26 murine colon carcinoma solid tumor model, Nuclear Medicine and Biology, 2010, 37(1): 95–104. (I.F.=2.429; 44/124, Q2; Radiology, Nuclear Medicine & Medical Imaging)
CH Chang, MG Stabin, YJ Chang, LC Chen, MH Chen, TJ Chang, TW Lee and G Ting, Comparative dosimetric evaluation of nanotargeted 188Re-(DXR)-liposome for internal radiotherapy, Cancer Biotherapy and Radiopharmaceuticals, 2008, 23(6): 749-758. (I.F.=1.715; 72/124, Q3; Radiology, Nuclear Medicine & Medical Imaging)
MH Chen, CK Hsu, FH Lin, L Stobinski, J Peszke, Folic acid immobilized ferrimagnetic DP-bioglass to target tumor cell for cancer hyperthermia treatment, Advances in Science and Technology, 2006, 53: 50-57. (ESCI)
Invited Speech
Integrating the micro needles with radio sensitizers to enhance the therapeutic effect of radiotherapy for skin cancers, Annual Meeting of Biomaterials and Controlled Releases Society in Taiwan, 2 Sep. 2022, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu City, Taiwan.
”Design” the design of biomedical engineering laboratory course- a view of their lab motivation and creativity self-efficacy, 5th IEEE Eurasian Conference on Educational Innovation, 10-12 Feb. 2022, National Museum of Marine Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan.
Using virtual reality (VR) for anatomy and medical education. SHRI Ramswaroop Memorial University, 29 Dec. 2021, India. (As a guest speaker for an online webinar)
Integrating the microneedle patch with radiosensitizers to facilitate the synergistic effect of radiotherapy for skin cancer, 43rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Biomaterials/ 8th Asian Biomaterials Congress, 28-30 Nov. 2021, Nagoya Congress Center, Japan.
Recent advances of microneedles for biomedical applications. 28 Sep. 2021, National Central University, Taiwan.
Recent advances of microneedles for biomedical applications. 8 Apr. 2021, Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan.
How to effectively write and publish your research papers. Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, 18 Feb. 2021, India. (As a guest speaker for an online webinar)
Integrating the microneedle patch with radiosensitizers to facilitate the synergistic effect of radiotherapy for skin cancers. CYCU-Mapua Mini Colloquium, 13 Jan. 2021, Chung Yuan Christian University, Taoyuan City, Taiwan.
Introduction of Biomedical Engineering and Design thinking in Medical Device. 2020 II/ALE, 17 Aug. 2020, Chung Yuan Christian University, Taiwan.
Design Thinking in Medical Device, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Chung Yuan Christian University, 15 April, 2020, Taoyuan City, Taiwan.
Ceramic-based nanoparticles for use as radiosensitizers in cancer treatment。先進應用陶瓷材料製程及分析研討會。2020年3月13日,臺北科技大學,台北。
香港研修經驗交流-翻轉教學。 ˊ中原大學教發中心,2020年3月9日,桃園。
Ceramic-based nanoparticles for use as radiosensitizers in cancer treatment. 19th Asian Bioceramic Symposium, 9-11 Dec. 2019, New Taipei City, Taiwan. (Invited Keynote Speaker, Advisory and Organizing Committee)
Ceramic-based nanoparticles for use as radiosensitizers in cancer treatment. The 13th Pacific Rim Conference of Ceramic Societies, 27 Oct- 1 Nov. 2019, Okinawa, Japan. (Invited Session Chair)
Using virtual reality (VR) for anatomy and medical education. The 9th WACBE World Congress on Bioengineering, 16-19 Aug. 2019, Taipei, Taiwan.
CpG DNA complexed with apatite nanoparticles as a potent vaccine adjuvant via microneedle technology. 30th Bioceramics, 26-29 Oct, 2018, Nagoya, Japan. (Invited Session Chair and Keynote Speaker)
Bioceramic Nanoparticles for drug delivery. Mini-symposium on Biomedical Engineering, 28 July 2019, Taoyuan City, Taiwan.
Bioceramics nanoparticles for drug delivery。 高雄醫學大學,2018年6月13日,高雄。
Invited Speaker. 18th International Union of Materials Research Societies International Conference in Asia, 5-9 Oct. 2017, Taipei, Taiwan.
Dissolving microneedles for vaccine in combination with adjuvant CpG DNA in transdermal delivery. 18th International Union of Materials Research SocietiesInternational Conference in Asia, IUMRSICA 2017. 5-8 Nov. 2017, Taipei, Taiwan. (Invited Speaker)
Enhancing immune-activation of macrophage by delivering CpG DNA through calcium phosphate nanoparticle. 7th International Symposium of Materials on Regenerative Medicine, 23-26 Aug. 2017, Taiwan. (Invited Speaker, Session Chair and Evaluator)
Enhancing immune-activation of macrophage by delivering CpG DNA through calcium phosphate nanoparticles. The 15th International Conference on Advanced Materials, IUMRS-ICAM 2017, 30 Aug.- 1 Sep. 2017, Kyoto, Japan.
Invited Chairperson of oral session at the 3rd Advanced Materials Conferences, 30 Nov. 2016, Malaysia.
Enhancing immune-activation of macrophage by delivering CpG DNA-loaded calcium phosphate nanoparticles. 15th Asian BioCeramics symposium, the 7th IBB Frontier Symposium, and the 19th Symposium on Ceramics in Medicine, Biology and Biomimetics. 9-11 Dec. 2015, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Tokyo, Japan.
Enhancing immune-activation of macrophage by delivering CpG DNA-loaded hydroxyapatite nanoparticles. National Institute for Materials Science-National Taiwan University Joint Workshop, 11 Sep. 2015, Taiwan. (Invited Speaker)
Functionalized hydroxyapatite nanoparticles for cancer therapy. The 5th Asian Biomaterials Congress. 6-9 May 2015, Taipei, Taiwan.
Develop of Theranostic Eu3+/Fe3+ Dual-Doped Hydroxyapatite Nanoparticles. 5th Multidisciplinary International Student Workshop (MISW2013), 8-9 Aug. 2013, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan.
Imperial College London / Taiwan Top University Strategic Alliance workshop. 26 Nov. 2012, Taiwan. (Invited Panelist)
Introduce to NHRI in Center for Nanomedical Research。台大醫學院奈米醫學課程。2011年4月20日,台北。
Nanomedicine- challenge and perspectives。新竹教育大學。2010年4月8日,新竹市。
Preparation and characterization of ferri-magnetic DP- bioglass particles immobilized with polyethylene glycol and folic acid for cancer hyperthermia. ceramics, Cells and Tissues 1oth Annual Seminar & Meeting. 23-27 May 2006, Faenza, Italy.